Hudson Valley Coalition for Life
Press Release
January 17, 2014
TO: Westchester and Putnam County media – online, radio, television, newsprint
RE: 41st March For Life - Wednesday, January 22, Washington, DC
CC:Westchester and Putnam Right to Life Committee, No. Westchester & Putnam Center for Life, Right to Life Coalition of Lower Westchester, Westchester Right to Life Party, People for Life, Advocates of Life
Abortion: The Acceptable Act of Violence
A high percentage of young marchers will again enthusiastically lead a hundred- thousand citizens to rally in Washington, D.C. at Noon on Wednesday, January 22, calling on President Barack Obama and Congress to end this nation’s most shameful legacy – the legal targeting and slaughtering of innocents in the womb.
Adults and students from the Westchester/Putnam area, including Ossining, Peekskill and Katonah, will join like-minded Americans from across the nation. “We will ask President Obama to put an end to the violence of abortion and its taxpayer funding now coerced through his administration’s health mandates,” says Hudson Valley Coalition for Life spokeswoman Brigid Faranda. “While Planned Parenthood becomes the largest abortion provider in our country with over 300,000 abortions executed yearly, life affirming solutions and choices like adoption and pregnancy care centers are being targeted and under-funded, safe haven laws under-reported, and basic safeguards for women increasingly phased out,” says Ms. Faranda.
For example in New York the abortion capitol, Governor Cuomo wants to expand abortion through the 9th month of pregnancy via point 10 of a so-called Women’s Equality Act that simultaneously lowers safety protections for women! Now, along with demands for even more abortions, comes an increasingly coarse, violent, sexual culture aimed at younger and younger children. Fifty-five million human beings have been eradicated, not by guns or bullying, but burned with saline, surgically dismembered, or chemically poisoned in the womb. Silence is unacceptable!
For information or interviews call Brigid Faranda’s cell at 914.329.5654 or
Judith Anderson’s at 914.329.5163