We just received this notification, from Tom Dixon, one of the attorneys who defended the "Notre Dame 88". Please pass along to the many people who knew Father.
Father Norman Weslin passed away last evening very peacefully. He spent the last few years of his earthly life bringing joy to the residents and staff of Cherry Hill Haven, a senior living facility in Traverse City, Michigan owned and run by my wife, Patti and her incredible staff, headed by Administrator Evon Ryan.
Around the time of the ND 88 arrests, Father was diagnosed with early stage Alzheimers. As the disease progressed and he required placement, the Holy Spirit's divine setups kept him closely in our lives. Even after his placement, we were able to frequently pray the Holy Rosary outside the Planned Parenthood in Traverse City, and to arrange a trip for him to be with his friends in the Washington D.C. area for a week long prayer vigil. He also received visitors from all parts of the country... many Lambs from the Omaha area, friends from Detroit, the Upper Peninsula, and throughout the country.
In the last weeks of his earthly life, Father was filled with excitement and anticipation of his reunion with the Blessed Mother, his beloved wife Mary Lou, and all of his family and friends who went before him, as they accompany him into the eternal presence of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Friends from Omaha were with him at his death, and a prayer community in Traverse City kept almost constant vigil. Even in retirement and battling the effects of Alzheimers, Father Weslin touched many lives, brought many people to Christ, and spread the joy of his faith with contagion.
I think Dr. Charlie Rice has said it best, "while we have been praying for him, we will soon start praying to him."
Father Weslin increased my faith and deepened my devotion to the Blessed Mother. Each day, when I pray the Holy Rosary, I now include at the end of each mystery "Our Lady of Guadalupe pray for us" and the "Ave Maria" both included in his daily devotion. And, I now pray the Memorare as I begin my daily travels. His legacy in my life is much greater than these things, but he will always be with me as I continue in these devotions.
May God bless you all, and may we all celebrate having been bestowed the grace of being in the presence of Father Norman Weslin, and pray for our own reunion with him.