This is an excellent article, which discusses a number of studies refuting the idea that increased artificial birth control lowers the abortion rate.
Abortions Double in Spain Despite Increased Contraception
The study, following women in Spain of childbearing age since 1997, had researchers surveying women every two years about their contraceptive use and whether they became pregnant or had an abortion.
The study found overall use of contraceptive methods increased from 49.1% to 79.9% during the 10 year time period ending in 2007. Condom usage rates rose from 21 to 38.8 percent while women were more likely to use the birth control pill (14.2% to 20.3%).
Despite the increase reliance on birth control and contraception, the elective abortion rate increased from 5.52 to 11.49 per 1000 women.
“The factors responsible for the increased rate of elective abortion need further investigation,” the authors wrote.
Yes, "... further investigation! Of course, here'sthe real point -
Jill Stanek, a pro-life nurse and blogger, noticed the study and said, “The results were unsurprising. What was laughable was the researchers’ conclusion.”
“Any person with common sense could cue the researchers that the more casual sex one has, the greater likelihood there will be of pregnancy, contraception use notwithstanding,’ Stanek said. “Contraceptive use only provides a false sense of security.”
“As most recently evidenced on the MTV abortion special, minor girls and young women are too immature or irresponsible to handle contraception properly, for starters. Men aren’t so good at it either, since even as the pro-abort group Guttmacher notes, the failure rate of condoms is a whopping 17.4%,” she added.
The article goes on to quote several other studies, all pointing to the same conclusion - increased contraceptive activity increases the abortion rate. Please pass this on to others who are involved in the discussion, or in counseling young people.