Below are the specifics of the meeting, along with a few pictures from the June 8th prayer and picket outside the Yonkers Planned Parenthood killing mill.
Below are the specifics of the meeting, along with a few pictures from the June 8th prayer and picket outside the Yonkers Planned Parenthood killing mill.
June 28, 2013 in Advocates for Life, direct action, planned parenthood | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Hit the link! Protest was organized by Advocates of Life -
May 03, 2013 in Advocates for Life, planned parenthood | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
After Mass at St. Mary's, approximately 60 people processed down the street for an hour of prayer outside the building housing PP. This was the first larger public event since the anti-free speech, anti-prolife bill was aggressively promoted by the pro-abortion members of the Westchester County legislature. The bill was vetoed by County Executive Rob Astorino, and the veto was upheld in the legislature.
Brother Youssef, CFR, did some sidewlk counseling.
More troublemakers!!
June 18, 2012 in Advocates for Life, planned parenthood, street activism, Yonkers | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
Please join us for this annual event, coinciding with the 39th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision, unleashing abortion on demand and resulting in over 50 million lives lost since 1973.
All Women's "Health & Medical Services
222 Mamaroneck Ave.
White Plains, NY
This is the corner of Maple and Mamaroneck
Join us for an hour of prayer and public witness on this 39th anniversary to remember the lives lost and women injured since 1973's Roe v Wade decision.
Co-Sponsored by:
Right to Life coalition of Lower Westchester
Westchester & Putnam Right to Life Committee & People for Life
Hudson Valley Coalition for Life
No. Westchester & Putnam Center for Life
Advocates of Life
Please call Liz @ 914478-1189 for more information
January 18, 2012 in abortion clinic protests, activism, Advocates for Life, direct action, Roe vs. Wade | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
Life-affirming energy held sway at the fourth annual Mayoral Proclamation of Yonkers Respect Life Week. Speaker after speaker gave a powerful witness that covered the full spectrum of life issues from conception to end of life. The multi-cultural, interfaith event's many attendees were obviously pleased to have addressed their too-often dismissed belief that the daily destruction of thousands of children in the womb is the day's most pressing moral and civil rights issue, with concern for the nature of eldercare under Obamacare the newest developing assault on life. Recent statistics show that in New York 41% (!) of pregnancies now end in abortion, with Black and Hispanic communities' stats even higher.
Well over 400 attendees (see pictures below) filled the Polish Center to listen to Yonkers Mayor Phil Amicone issue a Proclamation opening Respect Life Week. Addressing the group along with Mayor Amicone was Timothy M. Dolan, Archbishop of New York as keynote speaker, and guest speaker County Executive Rob Astorino.
Richard and Marie Brand deserved their special recognition award for months of long and challenging work as organizers of the impressively comprehensive program.
Rabbi Rigoberto Emmanuel Vinas of Lincoln Park Jewish Center gave the opening prayer. Other speakers included the Rev. Thomas Berg, Ph.D. Executive Director/President of the Westchester Institute for Ethics & the Human Person; the Rev. James N. Hassell, Pastor, Kingdom Christian Cultural Center; Rebecca Hodges, Director of Life Options Center; Rev. Mother Genevieve Regina, LSP, Director Jeanne Jugan Residence and Dr. Nanci Coppola, Director, Healthy Respect. Anthony Felicissimo of Advocates of Life was Mastor of Ceremonies. Saint Casimir School Choir and the Kingdom Christian Cultural Center Choir entertained the appreciative audience.
Exhibitors included Advocates of Life, Center for Life, Children First Foundation, Elizabeth Seton Pediatric Center, Expectant Mother Care, Gianna Center, Healthy Respect, Hudson Valley Coalition for Life, Life Options Center, Little Sisters of the Poor, Lumina, Missionaries of the Gospel of Life, Montfort Academy, New York Sate Right to Life, Pregnancy Care Center, Right to Life Party, Baby Safe Haven, St. Joseph's Medical Center-Senior Services and the Sisters of Life.
The Rev. Abilene Rivera of Westchester Hispanic Clergy was pleased to offer the closing prayer. Her husband, who spoke at last year's event, sadly and unexpectedly passed away within months of that appearance.
That's Msgr. Rielly up front below reading the Program. He received a special award for his many years of work with and founding of the Helpers of God's Precious Infants that continues to help women and change hearts for life, nationally and internationally. Thank you, Monsignor. God bless you and all your helpers!
The Rabbi and Mayor Amicone commiserate below
Archbishop Dolan enjoys the view
Cameras capture the action and the joy
Mayor Amicone, the Archbishop and County Executive Rob Astorino. That's Reverend Thomas Berg of the Westchester Institute for Ethics & the Human Person in the back, far left.
The Kingdom Christian Cultural Center Choir raises the roof at the Polish Center!
Rev. Mother Genevieve Regina, LSP, Director of Jeanne Jugan Residence
That's Liam McLaughlin up front with the sash with the Knights of Colombus
Tony Felicissimo introduces the next speaker, a smiling Rebecca Hodges (c) Director of Life Options Center. The Rev. James N. Hassell, Pastor of the Kingdom Christian Cultural Center, who offered to house the Life Options Center (now six months old!) is sitting to her right. The Center has already helped several mothers give the gift of life to their unborn child. The Reverend's personal testimony about participating in an abortion in his own life was a rivetting moment in a day filled with inspiring testimonies. He spoke of the powerful healing and forgiveness he has received through God's Mercy and his support for Life Options.
Dr. Nanci Coppola of Healthy Respect received a $6 million government grant for her work!
Gerald Yeung and his hard working children Ben and Alison at the Missionaries of the Gospel of Life exhibitor table
Young Charles Rex was equally impressive at the Montfort Academy/Children First Foundation table
If you couldn't be here, spread these pictures and our website around to friends. Prolife event news coverage is always limited and this was no exception. We think that well-attended and impressive events like this should be made known to the people of Yonkers and beyond and the local media has a responsibility to our citizens and their viewers.
This is Mayor Amicone's last year in office. The prolife community will be working hard to continue this Respect Life Week by electing a new Mayor who will carry the tradition forward of respect for all human life and for the sanctity of marriage.
January 11, 2011 in Advocates for Life, Yonkers | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
The Advocates of Life held a pro-life public prayer witness and their annual Consecration for Life in Yonkers on Saturday, June 12.
After the Mass presided over by Bishop Gerald Walsh, Rector of St. Joseph's Seminary, and attended by approximately 160 persons at St. Mary's Church, pro-life leaders were invited to re-consecrate their work to th Most Holy Trinity through the sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary. Songs were sung during the procession with banners of Our Lady of Guadalupe to Planned Parenthood's abortuary at Getty Square in the shadow of Yonkers City Hall. Here legislators continue to turn a blind eye to what is being perpetrated on its citizenry.
This abortion center, and others like it located primarily in minority neighborhoods, is a tragedy lost on public officials who decry racism at the drop of a hat everywhere else! Members of the Black and Hispanic communities, many present at this public witness in Yonkers, see abortion as both a moral aberration and a cultural assault, where their most valuable gifts - their vulnerable children in the womb - are being destroyed. How can we ignore the disintegration of the family that includes an increasing rate of violence against women and more and more fatherless homes with their resulting gang activity, and not lay them at the feet of a society destroying its own progeny?
LifeNet and the Hudson Valley Coalition for Life thanks Tony Felicissimo and the Advocates of Life for their bold witnesses for life throughout the year. And we thank Fr. Christopher, SAC, of the Palatine Fathers and Parochial Vicar of Our lady of Mt Carmel Church, as well as Fr. Arthur Rojas, Parochial Vicar of St. Joseph's Church, for participating and leading prayers outside of the abortion chamber. Join them next time!
Pray for life.
Pray for the unborn and for all mothers and fathers to accept the responsibility of parenthood.
Pray for families.
We are raising generations of "survivors" whose sense of their own personal dignity and worth is being swallowed up by the increasing acceptance of abortion as a normal act, "health care" even. The degradation of the role of parents as protectors of children and the ensuing social implications for these lost generations and for the future of our society as a whole is more than frightening to ponder. It is a tragedy of incalculable proportions already with us.
June 20, 2010 in Advocates for Life, direct action, street activism, Yonkers | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
We're a little late with this posting of the wonderful Advocates for Life Prayer Rally in Yonkers on June 20. The day began with Mass in Spanish and English, including a special blessing and recited dedication prayer by pro life leaders to the work ahead! Thanks to Tony Felicissimo and all his dedicated helpers for their constant prayers and works of mercy on behalf of the unborn. This was a prolife witness that attracted quiet interest and support by passersby.
The crowd begins to fill St. Mary's Church on South Broadway...
On the march to Planned Parenthood at 20 South Broadway for the Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet....
Priests in support: Fr. George Kuhn, Fr. Michael Morrow, Fr. Carrozza, and Fr. Joseph Espiallat
Rain cannot dampen spirits...
Young Hispanic men, women and children were front and center!
July 16, 2009 in Advocates for Life, planned parenthood, street activism, Yonkers | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Last Saturday the Advocates of Life celebrated the 90th anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun (go here - LifeNet: Feast of Our Lady of Fatima - 90th Anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun. Prolife Mass, Procession and Vigil this Sa... ).
Songs and prayers, all in Spanish. A wonderful public witness in the heart of Yonkers!
The young boy in red came upon the Vigil and asked if he could join! He said "I'm so glad I wasn't aborted." and is speaking with Advocates for Life Director Tony Felicissimo, who is also a Co-director of the Hudson Valley Coalition for Life.
October 19, 2007 in Advocates for Life, planned parenthood, street activism, Yonkers | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)