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May 19, 2024


Peter Lepre

Let us all as a nation follow Joan's example as well as all the Pro-Lifers convicted wrongly for trying to save lives... They clearly are following the example of Love set by Our Lord Jesus Christ, who though called out evil and healed all the hurt and injustice He encountered, by finally dying on the Cross and rising from the dead... Let us approach Our Lord and not be afraid to sit in front of Him and ask for His Love and Mercy... This is the only recourse which will work to end this Holocaust of abortion... Let us follow the example of these brave Pro-Lifers by begging Our Lord to convert the hearts and minds of the judge and all who are in authority who follow the Culture of Death in any way shape or form... Saint Faustina on Sept. 16th 1937 suffered the pain of abortion for the 3rd time, she nor the doctors knew from or how the pains came about... Our Lord let her know the final time she suffered the pains in order to make reparation for the sins of abortive mothers... Poland which was considered the abortion capitol of Europe, abortion went down to almost zero by the year 2000... Let us ask and pray for the intercession of Our Blessed Mother, Saint Joseph and Saint Faustina for an end to abortion and that adoption become the law of the land, no questions asked and easily attainable... In Christ's Love, always... Peter Lepre, Envoy For Mercy(MIC)

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