This story is off a facebook posting - thanks to the people who posted it and forwarded it to us. Abortion pill reversal.
The helpline for this is at the bottom of this posting. Bear in mind, two out of three abortions are now chemical abortions.
I just have to share this beautiful story. The little girl you see in this photo is a baby girl who was saved by the abortion pill reversal.
Her mama regretted taking the pill and texted our ministry helpline. Our staff was able to help her get connected to medical care and sweet Kaylies life was saved!
Mama J sent me this photo of Kaylie with her hands held high because this sweet girl has experienced the goodness of God!
In a culture that says, “hold my beer.” Sweet Kaylie says, “hold my baby and let me worship Jesus!”
Here is the helpline that saved this toddler and her mother - 574 - 400-5272. The area code is in Indiana.
So amazing and beautiful, even in the darkest of times we must understand God is at work... We must raise our hands just like Kaylie and not be afraid to help in ending the Holocaust of abortion... Our Lord will guide us just as He guided this young Mother to say yes to life... Let us ask Our Blessed Mother, Saint Joseph, and Saint Faustina who on Sept. 16th 1937 experienced the pains of abortion for the third time in reparation for the sins of abortion in Poland and Europe at the time... Our Lord let her to know this for the doctors did not understand where the pains where coming from... In Christ's Love, Peter Lepre, Envoy For Mercy(MIC)
Posted by: Peter Lepre | April 30, 2024 at 01:57 PM