There is a further update on Father's thoughts in the video below the first one. Father, who describes himself as a conservative as opposed to progressive priest, offers a beautiful reflection at the end of the second video.
Father has a large following on youtube - over 240,000 subscribers. He supplies solid homilies and discussions on spirituality and daily living in our contemporary secular society (He is Canadian). By way of comparison, the Jesuit publication America has 70,000 youtube subscribers.
This video is four minutes long and we think provides a good look at the recent Declaration on Blessings for people in irregular or same sex relationships.
Here is Father's response to comments he received on the first video. Beautifully spoken.
Thanks for posting and I appreciate Father’s clarifying perspective.
Posted by: Thea | December 21, 2023 at 10:46 AM
Very beautiful analysis.
Posted by: Regina | December 21, 2023 at 10:53 AM
Good job Fr.
Posted by: tom faranda | December 21, 2023 at 03:13 PM