Theresa our wonderful director of the post abortion ministry Lumina
Excerpts below the link, but you really should read the entire brief column.
I had an abortion when I was 17 years old. At the time, it was much like it will be now, before Roe v. Wade — legal in New York, but not across the country.
As much as the pro-abortion narrative would like everyone to believe that the choice of abortion is always freely made, I know that this is not true. Not only was I abandoned and coerced by my father, but in the Entering Canaan post abortion ministry I co-developed with the Sisters of Life, we’ve learned, over the past 26 years, that most women face some kind of pressure to end their pregnancies. This of course, does not make the abortion okay, but it speaks to the lies of the industry and the difficulties faced in the healing process.
The road to healing from an abortion can be excruciatingly painful. It's a battle for belief in the love and mercy of God after an abortion experience, which is the ultimate failure of love. The horror can be so deep, it can often take people decades to heal from its trauma.
So it is that the antics of Nancy Pelosi at the Vatican deeply pierced my heart and the hearts of many others who truly have experienced the humility of the love of God in forgiving and healing us of our abortions. But not everyone is there. Millions of post-abortive mothers, fathers and even siblings are sitting in silent suffering, struggling to find their way back to the heart of God
The recent actions of Pelosi at the Vatican, and her receiving of the Eucharist despite the entreaties of her bishop, Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, are a mockery of the Church and particularly stinging to those of us in the United States who just saw the reversal of Roe. This is a woman who holds grave responsibility for the death of millions of unborn children. Her total disrespect for the gift of life and the teachings of the Church she professes to love cheapens and distorts our most precious gifts of faith and the Holy Eucharist.
This is one major reason for the Divine Mercy message... Our Lord, speaks to then Sister Faustina, Sept. 15 1937'' My Secretary, write that I am more generous toward sinners than toward the just. It was for their sake that My Blood was spilled. Let them not fear to approach me: they are most in need of My mercy''. On Sept. 16 1937 Sister Faustina suffered the pains of abortion... No doctor could figure out the cause of these pains...Our Lord made known to Sister Faustina, she was making reparation for the sins of abortive mothers... The Diary of Sister Faustina recounts this on page 460 notebook IV... Our Lord all through the diary is pleading for Mankind to run to His Love and Mercy, let us spread this message far and wide, availing ourselves of the Sacrament of Confession encouraging all Catholic's to practice honestly and '' Not Be Afraid '' So that we may share with all God's Love and Mercy...
Posted by: Peter Paul Lepre | July 15, 2022 at 10:32 AM
It is hard to reconcile the optics and hypocrisy within the Church's actions. But then, the Church is for sinners, not saints.
Posted by: Thea | July 15, 2022 at 11:18 AM