Here's some information from Lifenews ,including how to get one. And below the link, a picture and text from Consistent Life - their weekly email.
Here is the flag and below a message from Consistent Life.
The Pro-life Flag Project, which we endorsed, has announced its winner; their hope is to make this a common symbol. See the full reasoning on the symbols here. Highlights:
- The white background symbolizes non-violence in the womb and the unborn child’s innocence.
- Baby feet have been a symbol associated with the pro-life movement since the iconic Precious Feet lapel pins were named the international pro-life symbol in 1979.
- The two pink hands represent the pregnant mother, holding and protecting her child.
- The white heart in between the feet symbolizes the pro-life movement’s love for both the mother and her child.
There have been attempts but no similar project for a universally-recognized peace flag, but any flag with either the circular or the dove peace symbol on it should be easily understood. Both the pro-life and the peace flags used together might be of interest for consistent-lifers on suitable occasions.