In The Federalist by our own Theresa Bonopartis.
Believe it or not, I am grateful I saw that stark truth, exposing abortion for what it really is, instead of living in the darkness and lies. Like those of countless other women, my abortion was coerced, another truth so often denied or ignored by those claiming abortion is a good. The fallacy of “free choice” is easier to sell than the reality of the betrayal of boyfriends, parents, spouses, or other outside pressures.
As I listened to Sen. Dianne Feinstein during Amy Coney Barrett’s Supreme Court confirmation hearings speak of women she knew in the 1950s who suffered and even died from illegal abortion, I could not help but wonder whether Feinstein has ever spoken to the countless women who suffer now, or the families of those who have died from the “safe, legal abortion” she has worked so hard to ensure. Probably not. She can speak about how “distressing” it was for her not to get a straight answer from Barrett regarding whether the judge would vote to overturn Roe v. Wade, but it appears Feinstein has no idea of the real distress millions of women experience every day due to a past abortion.
As we digress down this slippery slope we were warned about decades ago, “safe, legal, and rare” has become “safe, legal, and free,” as portrayed in the “Thank God for Abortion Anthem” video making its rounds on the internet. At least those proponents are honest. With more than 60 million abortions since Roe, rare it is not.
Joe Biden speaks of this election as a fight for the “soul of our nation,” and so it is. It is difficult, however, to listen to Biden speak as if he is on some high moral ground when, in fact, he advocates for abortion throughout the entirety of a pregnancy. This disregard for innocent human life goes beyond the soul of our nation. It is a fight for personal souls.
This self-proclaimed “devout” Catholic sadly has the support of some bishops, who tell their flocks they can vote for him “in good conscience.” Anyone who takes the time to contemplate the more than 60 million deaths of innocent babies, however, knows this cannot come from a good conscience, but from an absence of one.
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