We are concerned that Mr. Molinaro is trying to have it both ways, depending on who he is speaking with. However we want to present everything we know at at this point and people can make their own judgment on voting for Molinaro or doing a write-in.
Remember - "We are not one issue voters, but abortion is a disqualifying issue." - The late John Willke MD, former President, National Right to Life Committee.
Here is what we posted three days ago -
Republican NY Governor Candidate Molinaro touting a strongly pro-abortion position
Which contains the following link and quote from part of a TimesUnion (Albany) interview - hit the link for all the troubling quotes -
However here is what he told one of Westchester's very activist pro-life political workers in a phone interview over the weekend.
A recent article from the Times Union contained some troubling remarks attributed to Marc Molinaro, the Republican candidate for Governor of New York State. Our organization reached out to the campaign for clarification. The campaign assures us that the article in question is misleading and the reporter was not aware of current New York State law when writing the piece. The Molinaro campaign assures us that Mr. Molinaro is pro-life and that his position remains as it always has been—opposed to Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Abortion Expansion Act.
In response to the Times Union piece, Molinaro said:
“I do not support the Reproductive Health Act (RHA) and remain firm in that position. I am not in favor of the Governor’s abortion expansion agenda and will not support any efforts to allow late-term abortion in this state. Abortion may be the law in New York, but I will continue to work toward a day when every life is valued in the Empire State.”