Thanks to Richard for sending us this information. Amazing. And see the note at the end about interactions in Montclair!
Red Rose Rescue Charges Dismissed Within Minutes of Trial Start
WASHINGTON, Oct. 11, 2018 /Christian Newswire/ -- Life Legal attorney John Garza was in court this morning on behalf of four "Red Rose Rescue" defendants who were charged with criminal trespass after they entered Capital Women's Services in Washington, DC in July. The rescuers went to the abortion facility to give the women information about abortion and alternatives, along with a red rose.
... as usual I was at the Montclair abortion mill (Pilgrim Medical Center) doing sidewalk counseling this Saturday. Normally the abortionist – Dr. Jenkins – will take a minute or two to come down to the front door and size up “the situation” – how many people are there, what kinds of signs we’re holding up, if any of us are blocking the doorway, etc. But, this Saturday (the week following the Red Rose Rescue) his disposition was different.
When he came down to check up on us he seemed calmer and more friendly than other times. He talked with us for about 12-15 minutes (usually no more than 1-2 minutes). He listened to what each of us had to say, and his responses were not caustic or angry. In the past, even though he ‘acted’ friendly, you could easily see a frustrating anger boiling up under his friendly persona. But, this time there did not appear to be any anger.
Alaine Reed talked to him about the possibility that he could suddenly die – as his co-abortionist did a couple of months ago – and that it’s not too late for him to reform his ways and stop killing.
Marilyn asked him “How can you do this terrible thing, year after year, and it not bother you?”
I told him about how there was such a great demand for good OB/GYNs because of the high malpractice insurance rates and very few were still doing this specialty. Then I explained that – being in demand as you are in your field – you could be making much more money simply by delivering babies and helping women with health care issues. He he didn’t get defensive or angry.
Finally, we all assured him that we were praying for him, and his staff and hoped one day to see him go to Heaven. He thanked us and asked us to keep up the prayers.
Then, a few minutes after he went back upstairs, one of his long time employees (a young nurse, maybe about 30-35ish) came down and pleaded with Alaine to purchase a bottle of Holy Water from the church for her (she tried to give Alaine some money for the purchase). Alaine explained to her that there was no charge for Holy Water, that it was free. When she went back to her car to retrieve a bottle for the nurse, I explained why Holy Water is free. She seemed desperate. I explained to her about the organization called “And Then There Were None,” which helps abortion employees, such as her, to quit working for an abortionist and find legitimate work elsewhere.
When Aliane gave her the bottle of Holy Water she was somewhat relieved, and asked us to pray for her. We assured her that we always do, and would continue to do so. She returned upstairs to the mill office.
There seems to be a “change” in the attitude of the abortionist and his nurse since last week when the rescue was done. Maybe all the prayers are starting to take effect? Maybe the rescue hit their consciences in a special way? Time will tell.
Your prayers are most welcome. Thank you God Bless+
Alleluia! Brigham' s time for judgement will come. Pray he has a major conversion before it is too late. NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD!
Posted by: Eileen Peterson | October 17, 2018 at 04:13 PM