Preliminary data from Pew Research - some text and and several easy to read charts. This is preliminary - more detailed and accurate exit polling data is still a week or two away. Hit the link - lots of interesting stuff.
How the faithful voted: A preliminary 2016 analysis
Over 80% of Evangelical vote went to Trump/Pence.
Catholics voted 52-45 for Trump/Pence.
Jewish vote 71- 24 for Clinton.
"Religiously unaffiliated" 68-26 for Clinton.
People who attend church once a week 56-40 for Trump.
People who never attend Church 62-31 for Clinton.
Catholics should be ashamed if they voted for Clinton. I expected the Hispanics to vote fore Trump even though he talked about a "wall" because they are devout and could not vote for Clinton who supports abortion on demand. I'm shocked that the Catholic vote was that strong for Hilary. Thank God for the Evangelicals who do not cave in!!!
Posted by: Judith Anastasio | November 12, 2016 at 02:20 PM
Thank God for Deacon Jim S. And the Election prayer!
Posted by: Eileen Peterson | December 01, 2016 at 03:09 PM