On Wednesday, October 19th Mrs. Clinton went full throttle for abortion throughout pregnancy. It occurred early in her debate with Mr. Trump. Below is the dialogue; you can see the full article where this is excerpted from here at LifeNews. It was originally published in National Right to Life News Today. Below the excerpt we have responses to her support for what amounts to infanticide. Bear in mind that there is never a medical justification for late term abortion, because abortions after approximately 16 weeks are 2-3 day procedures. This is because of the necessity of dilating the cervix with laminaria, which are left in for at least one night. If it's a life threatening situation, the procedure should be an emergency caesarean section and an effort to save both patients.
Wallace (Chris Wallace, the debate moderator) drilled down another thousand feet on Clinton as well:
I wanted to ask you Secretary Clinton, I want to explore how far you think the right to abortion goes. You have been quoted as saying that the fetus has no constitutional rights. You also voted against a ban on late-term partial birth abortions. Why?
Clinton gave her usual answer–that Roe allows for some “regulation,” provided there is an exception for “the health of the mother.” Of course, for 43 years the health exception has swallowed the rule as thoroughly as a python gulps down its supper.
To his great credit, Trump called her out:
Well I think it is terrible. If you go with what Hillary is saying, in the ninth month you can take [the] baby and rip the baby out of the womb of the mother just prior to the birth of the baby. Now, you can say that that is okay and Hillary can say that that is okay, but it’s not okay with me. Because based on what she is saying and based on where she’s going and where she’s been, you can take [the] baby and rip the baby out of the womb. In the ninth month. On the final day. And that’s not acceptable.
Clinton responded that this is just “scare rhetoric,” as if what she supports doesn’t frighten mainstream America. “And I will stand up for that right,” she added.
Trump’s answer?
And honestly, nobody has business doing what I just said. Doing that as late as one or two or three or four days prior to birth. Nobody has that [right].
The NY State health department keeps extensive statistics on abortion in the State - age, race, ethnicity, gestation, number of prior abortions, where done, financial coverage, and operative procedures. according to the latest statistices (2014) there were 2,106 abortion at 20+ weeks.
Some rejoinders to Clinton -
This from the Catholic League - hit the link for the full PR -
This from Consistent Life, the Consistent Ethic of Life website
Clinton and Children
Hillary Clinton showed something about her often-stated concern for children in the October 19 US presidential debate. For full protection, the children need to be entirely born. Being near birth isn’t good enough. She defended very late-term abortions for reasons including “something terrible has happened or just been discovered about the pregnancy.”
Though not specific, this could mean when the child is discovered to have “fetal abnormalities” – at least, this is a common justification for very late-term abortions.
Killing someone because she has disabilities is horrible enough, but a positive portrayal of aborting those with disabilities (as is common in the media) can be devastating to efforts to stop discrimination against disabled children and adults.
But did that vague phrase mean that? The current Democratic Party Platform is extreme enough to suggest so. If only the press would dig down deeper and ask for clarification.
The NY Times had an op ed today (October 21, '16.) promoting just that - the baby destroyed at 22 weeks because of a disability.
In National Review today, touching on the Second Amendment and abortion - we only are concerned here with abortion -
Hillary Clinton Relentlessly Exploits Voter Ignorance
The support for INFANTICIDE is pure evil and should disqualify Mrs. Clinton for any political office in America.
Posted by: Eileen Peterson | October 29, 2016 at 09:07 PM