This is part 1 because we will have at least two more parts over the next two days, including the Created Equal representation, and a short video from America Media - publishers of the Jesuit America magazine.
Our bus was cancelled, so several of us drove down. The weather was really not a problem; started snowing after one o'clock & didn't affect the drive back.
The numbers were MUCH lower - probably 20-25,000, a quarter of the #'s for the last few years. Whereas it usually takes two hours for the whole March to pass a given point, Friday it took less than half an hour. The much-hyped coming blizzard. We spoke with people from Florida - large contingent - Indiana, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, South Dakota, with Missouri and Illinois much in evidence.
Media coverage -. Nothing on the CNN youtube channel and a two minute video on the FOX youtube channel. Here is the Washington Post coverage which was decent, as they usually are. The NY Times website had a tiny article in which they said "hundreds" marched (UPDATE: Rooftop video is here. So much for the NY Times "hundreds marched"). Hahahahaha. What they should have said was "hundreds from Miami marched" since there were several hundred from high schools in Miami, who'd come up.
11 pictures + one on steps of Supreme Court. You can see how the weather changed over a period of about 2 hours.
The Rally
The March up Constitution Ave. to the Supreme Court -
Two double strollers, and a third one out of view.
There were a couple of dozen pro-abortion counter-protesters. The man's t shirt says "Abortion on Demand & Without Apology".
On the steps of the Supreme Court, women from Silent No More, speaking - very emotional, as always
Wanted to get this right out - more to follow.
Thank you for this powerful witness. A storm could never stop the will of God!
Posted by: Eileen Peterson | January 23, 2016 at 05:01 PM
One year, back a few, someone did a time-lapse video of March For Life! It was impressive, going on forever. I'm always baffled that there is no estimate of the # of people at the march....NYT coverage so ridiculous! A few hundred! Amazing they covered it- but only to diminish it.
FYI the 'counter protestors' are organized under 'Stop Patriarchy', a CPUSA project.
(That's Communist Party USA)
Highly organized & well funded.
Posted by: onfire | January 24, 2016 at 12:24 AM
Hopefully the day will come that the March for Life organizers will PUBLISH accurate numbers of marchers. Bus captains would have a central online site to report to. Those coming via car/train can also report in. Why have accurate numbers? Incontrovertible proof that will be entered into American history.Otherwise, the March will be written off as typically having "a few thousand marchers." *READ MATTHEW 10:16*
Posted by: Nancy | January 25, 2016 at 09:16 AM