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February 26, 2015


Catherine Adago

the execution of Terry Schiavo was one of the most shameful tragedies in our countries history. the media and right to die monsters had a frenzy of blood lust for this poor young woman.Her "husband" is the face of pure evil. He could not seem to inflict enough pain on her good family. The situation was also a black eye for Hospice which seemed to break all of it own rules in this case. Gov.Bush did what he could and he should not regret that. Obama regrets his vote in the senate?When has our dear leader ever stood up for the suffering? Look at him today. There is saying that "every dog gets his day" or what goes around comes around.Its amazing that the left could even bring up this case.Rest in Peace Terry.

Eileen Peterson

We see the slippery slope time and time again. Once you lose respect for LIFE in the womb, you suffer from the loss of validating the worth of all human LIFE especially as the aging process occurs. Terry is living proof that this could happen to all of us.

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