The Children First Foundation annual Distinguished Service Award Ceremony was on December 28th in Yonkers.
Dr. Elizabeth Rex, co-founder of CFF in NY, along with her husband Charles, spoke briefly and reminded all of the glaring neglect of the issue of adoption. And of the long battle - still going on - to get the pro-adoption specialty license plate approved in NY. Where are the "war on women" voices on adoption?
The first honoree was The Human Life Foundation, founded in 1974 by J.P. McFadden. They are the publishers of the Human Life Review, the internationally known quarterly publication which has for forty years provided an intellectual backbone for the pro-life movement. Visit their website! Thay are gradually digitally archiving all forty years of their publications, which include Ronald Reagan's essay "Abortion and the Conscience of a Nation", which is now also available on amazon.
Maria McFadden Mafucci is the editor of the Human Life Review and accepted the award.
Maria McFadden Maffucci and Dr. Elizabeth Rex
The second honoree was HVCL (the Hudson Valley Coalition for Life - that's us/you!). We thank the Children First Foundation for recognizing our efforts - which are truly the efforts of our subscribers, both hard copy newsletter and digital/online.