UPDATE: Parking and Directions - go here
The Westchester and Putnam Coalition for Religious Freedom
Is sponsoring a
Freedom Rally
In White Plains
Great speakers! songs! prayer! signs!
Saturday June 23rd, 2012
12 Noon -2PM
In front of the Federal Court House
300 Quarropas Street (corner of S. Lexington Ave.)
In White Plains, New York
The rally will consist of interfaith witness and prayer for our right of religious freedom and the challenges to it by the HHS Mandate. The Freedom Rally is a legal, peaceful and prayerful witness in defense of the fundamental rights of all people of faith.
Please come and bring a friend!
Email us if you need specific directions or more information.
Hiya! Do you happen to own any journalism education or this is a pure natural gift of yours? Many thanks in advance for your answer.
Posted by: PerfectFlawless | December 17, 2012 at 05:44 AM