We've received word that Sister, a staunch advocate for the unborn, has passed away.
Here is a little information, including arrangements.
Sr. Mary Martin has passed away today Friday May 4th.The wake will be held Sunday May 6th at 7 PM in the Sister’s Chapel in Franciscan Sisters Convent in Graymoor Route 9, Garrison NYFuneral service will be held Monday May 7th 11 AM in the Sister’s Chapel in Franciscan Sisters Convent in Graymoor Route 9, Garrison NY.
Sr. Mary Martin was a very outspoken and active for the Pro-Life Cause and a Center for Life Honoree.
Please keep her in your prayers.
Thanks and God Bless!
Mary Sr. Mary Martin be welcomed into heaven by all the innocent ones she tried to save while working to protect them on earth.
Posted by: Eileen Peterson | May 06, 2012 at 08:22 AM
Pray for us tomorrow night, Sr. Mary Martin, as we fight this proposed County law. You were a powerful advocate for life on earth; so will you be in Heaven! Alleluia! How you will be missed. God bless you.
Posted by: Judith Anderson | May 06, 2012 at 07:09 PM