500 enthusiastic people of all ages and backgrounds were there, below the statue of George Washington at the Federal Hall National Memorial at 26 Wall Street.
Of course, this was only one of 140 Rallies nationwide.
FOX was the only television news at the Rally.
You can read about coverage in the local Journal News here Hundreds rally on Wall St. over contraception rule, claim attack on religion including 16 photos
In USA Today Religious rallies across USA protest birth-control mandate
In the Washington Post Social conservatives hope for renewed fervor in contraceptive controversies
No coverage in the NY Times. None. Nada. Didn't happen.
We will post more material from the Rally over the next couple of days.
Here are two short videos to give some sense of the flavor of the day.
The speakers have no sound system, so you have to listen carefully as Dr. Anne Nulte ends her brief talk, pointing out that the drug companies do not fully disclose the dangers of hormonal birth control pills. Then the facilitator of the event, Fr. Augustino, CFR, suggests the crowd sing "Amazing Grace."
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound ...
We shall overcome!
Thank you, for spreading the GOOD NEWS in a world that wants to keep God's People in Darkness!
Posted by: Eileen Peterson | March 24, 2012 at 11:58 PM
What a great affair.Thanks for going. Prayers
Posted by: regina riely | March 25, 2012 at 05:11 PM