This of course is only a partial listing. We will have our own photos and impressions posted in a few days.
The NY Times paper addition had NO coverage we could find. However - their online edition did have a slide show (eight slides) which was quite good.
Despite Cold Weather, Abortion Opponents Rally in Washington
The usually awful "On Faith" section of the Washington Post had a good article and another slide show in the online edition. They pointed out that 27,000 youth attended the Washington DC Masses on Saturday, January 22nd, commemorating the actual date of Roe vs. Wade.
Thousands of abortion opponents rally in march on Mall
Here's FOX News coverage - a video - mostly on the politics of the issue. They give an estimate of 100-200,000 participants and the results of national polling data showing a 50/42 split for prolife vs. prochoice. A good two and a half minute video, with a short commercial at the beginning.
Pro-life Activists Sense Shift in Momentum
Michelle Malkin had very good coverage on her blog -
The March for Life 2011: America’s REAL rally to restore hope and sanity
Her posting includes the following quote, from the opening invocation, given by an African-American minister, as well as a television screen shot:
Washington DC – Pastor Luke Quinn, Quinn Chapel A.M.E. Frederick MD, asks: “Where is President Obama? Where is Jesse Jackson? Where is Al Sharpton?”
I disagree that the NY Times slide show was "quite good".
The crowd shots were limited and the emphasis on religious images tries, as usual, to marginalize participants' motives for attending. Also, what does a picture of a pile of unpicked up signs say to you?
Posted by: Judith Anderson | January 26, 2011 at 11:01 AM