With 150 attendees, including Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino as guest speaker, this Political Action Committee event was a triumph.
The honorees were Elizabeth Costanzo and Christopher Slattery "for their dedication, leadership and untiring efforts in the defense of the sanctity of human life."
Here is an excerpt from Rob Astorino's remarks, which opened the dinner.
Some of the 150 attendees -
Wilma DeFiore
Co-honoree Chris Slattery with Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino.
John Mark and Neil DiCarlo. Neil is running as a write-in candidate for Congress in the 19th District (John Hall (D) and Nan Hayworth (R) are both pro-abortion).
Kathy Brusstar, Eileen Slattery (wife of Chris), Andrea and Richard Barbuto
Brigid Faranda and Richard Fuerst. Rich is chairman of the Political Action Committee (PAC) of the Westchester and Putnam Right to Life Committee.
Long-time prolife champion, Monsignor Dermott Brennan
Mary Gormley, another prolife champion, with the evening's co-honoree Liz Costanzo
The politician table!
Yonkers Mayor Phil Amicone, speaks with Elizabeth Rex, President of the Children First Foundation
And a partial view of the crowd ...
Kathy and Dan Brusstar's family pose with Brigid Faranda. That's Joe next to his dad, with Suzanne and Mary Margaret up front!
Joy Dechiario introduced the honorees. Joy was also responsible for the first annual and highly successful PAC Journal, listing supporters and donors.
Alan Mehldau, Joy, Liz and Rich. Liz is the Executive Director of the Westchester Right to Life Party.
Alan, Joy, Chris Slattery,and Rich. Chris is the founder and president of EMC Frontline Pregnancy Centers.
Mayor Phil Amicone's Proclamation from the City of Yonkers to Liz and Chris.
Bernadette Harris with Neil DiCarlo and his wife Deborah.
Next year - even bigger - even better - raising needed funds for prolife candidates!!
Just wonderful coverage of a fantastic event!
Keep doing what you are doing! You are the wind beneath Rockland County's wings!
Posted by: Eileen Peterson | October 24, 2010 at 08:53 PM
So sorry I missed this..was speaking in Storrs Ct
Posted by: theresa | October 25, 2010 at 07:59 AM
I am a parishioner of Holy Rosary Church in Hawthorne, New York. Yesterday, upon leaving the church after Mass, I retrieved a Westchester & Putnam Right to Life PAC flyer from my car's windshield, which asked that I vote for ceratin Pro-Life candidates at tomorrow's election. While I agree with that promotiion, I vehemently disagree with the fact that the same flyer also asked that I vote No on ballot proposals which have nothing to do with Pro-Life. In fact, such No votes are tantamount to advocating for voter supprression and gerrymandering.
The stated mission of the Westchester-Putnam Right to Life Committee is to promote the common good and general welfare of the people of Westchester and Putnam through the advancement of reverence for human life by:
• Reaffirming the principle that all human beings are created equal and are endowed at creation with certain fundamental rights, among which is the right to life;
• Advocating the right to life of dependent and helpless human beings including the unborn child;
• Promoting civic, political and social reforms designed to ensure both the right to life and human dignity of dependent and helpless human beings;
• To engage in all lawful activities in furtherance of such purposes.
Nowhere in the foregoing statement does it indicate that the PAC is involved in matters outside the realm of Pro ife, In fact, asking me to vote NO on ceratin ballot proposals goes against the grain of the stated principle that all human beings are created equal and are endowed at creation with certain fundamental rights, which nclude the right to vote in accordance with the U.S. Constitution.
The PAC has overstepped its bounds and should stick to Pro Life issues.
Posted by: Gregory P Wyka | November 01, 2021 at 10:32 AM
This comment was put on the wrong posting. It should have been here - "Westchester & Putnam Right to Life PAC recommendations for voting Tuesday" - put up on October 31st. 2021. But I agree with the comment by George. I voted against all three propositions - they all failed - but they should not have been part of a prolife PAC message.
Posted by: tom faranda | November 06, 2021 at 12:22 AM