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September 03, 2010



Thank you for the great coverage and for letting the community know about the resources available. I also ask people to please keep Life Options Center in your prayers and sacrifices that God may use this place for His glory! Thank you also to all those who came out to support the Yonkers pro-life community!!



Eileen Peterson

God Bless Tony and all the wonderful people working to protect and truly help WOMEN! YES, you have made a giant leap forward in giving women in crisis pregnancies what they truly yeans for~~HELP!
PLANNED PARENTHOOD ABORTING THEIR BABIES FOR MONEY (USUALLY WITH OUR OWN TAX DOLLARS) WAS HURTING THE WOMEN OF YONKERS WORSE THAN RAPE. Rockland County rejoices with you for today, women have a true choice between LIFE and Death. God Bless You Wonderful Warriors for LIFE!

Eileen Peterson


should be:

YES, you have made a giant leap forward in giving womoen in crisis pregnancies what they truly yearn for~~HELP!

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