Catholic New York is the Archdiocese newspaper.
Dr. Anne Mielnik, founder and director of Gianna: The Catholic Healthcare Center for Women in Manhattan.
Infertility and NaProTechnology
... doctors have developed an alternative to IVF that is as effective as IVF, does not create or destroy embryos, allows a married couple to conceive naturally, and is completely in line with the teachings of the Catholic Church. The approach is called NaProTechnology (NPT), which stands for Natural Procreative Technology. It is based on more than 40 years of scientific research, and it can help up to 70 percent of infertile couples to conceive, depending on the cause of their infertility.
In the NPT approach, doctors work to identify all of the correctable factors that might be keeping a couple from conceiving. Subtle hormonal abnormalities and abnormal patterns of ovulation, which are often missed on the standard infertility evaluation, are identified and corrected using medications that restore health and function to the woman's reproductive cycle. Anatomic abnormalities such as damaged fallopian tubes and endometriosis are corrected by using special surgical techniques. NaProTechnology thus provides an effective, ethical alternative to IVF for couples struggling with infertility, in a way that is in keeping with the teachings of the Catholic Church and is consistent with the values of many couples.
And see also, this accompanying story: Couples Praise Gianna Center for Its Science and Spirituality