From American Life league:
10 September 2010
CONTACT: Katie Walker
540.659.4942| [email protected]Planned Parenthood Drastically increases abortions, decreases adoption referrals in 2008
Washington, DC (10 September 2010) – American Life League has revealed that Planned Parenthood Federation of America committed 324,008 abortions in 2008 – a 6.1-percent increase over 2007, reported ALL vice president Jim Sedlak.
The total number of abortions committed by Planned Parenthood since it first began in New York state in 1970 is now 4,987,817.
While abortions are on the rise at Planned Parenthood, adoption referrals declined to just 2,405 – a staggering 51-percent drop since 2007. Thus Planned Parenthood now commits 134 abortions for every adoption referral.
“Keep in mind that Planned Parenthood is a business making a very clear business decision,” said Rita Diller, national director of ALL’s Stop Planned Parenthood International (STOPP) project. “Abortion is its most lucrative ‘service,’ and like all businesses, Planned Parenthood is simply maximizing its profits from its primary moneymaker. This becomes macabre when one stops to consider that Planned Parenthood is in the business of killing preborn children. Each one of those 324,008 abortions took the life of a unique, innocent and unrepeatable human person.”
Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest single abortion provider – committing 26.8 percent of the estimated 1.21 million abortions in the United States in 2008. Planned Parenthood also runs the nation’s largest abortion chain, with over 300 medical and surgical abortion facilities across the country.
Despite the increase in abortion, Planned Parenthood showed a decline in a number of other areas, including a drop of four percent (almost 100,000 visits) in its primary customer base – female birth control customers.
While Planned Parenthood often emphasizes that it is the only provider of health care in many areas of the nation, primary-care patients accounted for only one-tenth of one percent of its business in 2008.
The latest Planned Parenthood data are in keeping with the testimony of former Planned Parenthood clinic director Abby Johnson, who has publically testified that Planned Parenthood is intentionally trying to increase its abortion business.
American Life League was cofounded in 1979 by Judie Brown. It is the largest grassroots Catholic pro-life organization in the United States and is committed to the protection of all innocent human beings from the moment of creation to natural death. For more information or press inquiries, please contact Katie Walker at 540.659.4942.FOR MORE INFORMATION:
American Life League: STOPP Planned Parenthood Parenthood Federation of America: Fact Sheet # #