The Women's Equality Day Reformed Committee invites you to join them this year on Friday, August 13 at 12 Noon, sharp, at the Westchester County Board of Legislators offices at 148 Martine Avenue at Court Street, White Plains, 8th floor large conference room, to celebrate a monumental occasion. It was 90 years ago on August 26, 1920 that the 19th Amendment to our Constitution was ratified and women began to fully participate as citizens with voting privileges.
The Mott-Stanton-Anthony Award will be presented to Yonkers' own Catherine T. Hickey, Ph.D., life-long educator and recently-retired Superintendent of Schools for the Archdiocese of New York. Dr. Hickey is also the mother of six daughters, and so an even more perfect choice on this day honoring women!
Two thousand ten marks the 37th year that women in Westchester have been recognized for personal and professional contributions to the County. It is also the 9th year that a new group of women are being honored. These are the Westchester women who for 27 years were ineligible for consideration for Westchester "Woman of the Year" simply because they voted their conscience on the abortion issue. Annual protests by many women at the biased County ceremony, and the eventual $10,000 court judgment to Regina Riely on the grounds of "free speech and equal access", opened the doors of our taxpayer's County office building for this ongoing annual ceremony to rectify this injustice.
WEDR has three sponsors this year: long-time sponsor, the Hon. Gordon A. Burrows; Hon. John G. Testa; and the newly-elected Hon. Sheila Marcotte. Former Legislator County Executive Rob Astorino was our earlierst sponsor. We enjoy the opportunity to work with these County Legislators as we continue to honor Westchester's women, and present topics and speakers of vital interest to all, whatever voting persuasion.
Our keynote speaker is pediatrician Antoinette Cosentino, M.D. who will focus on the day's theme that calls youth to excellence in "education and life", as we gather to honor our feminist foremothers in their own words. Almost a century ago Alice Paul called abortion "the ultimate exploitation of women". Today Marjorie Dannenfelser, President of the Susan B. Anthony List is quoted, "The modern feminist mantra calling for a taxpayer-funded abortion in every home flies in the face of Susan B. Anthony's legacy of equal rights for all, born and unborn."
Celebrate with us and remember to bring ID for the building security check. Seek long-term (3 hour) parking across the street to avoid having to leave the 1-hour ceremony.