Great job! We have covered past student demonstrations outside of PP. For example, here High School students hold pro-life vigil at Yonkers Planned Parenthood, last May.
Dear Friend of Life:Just a short note to let you know about the great job 15 high school students did today in Yonkers. For 2 hours these 15 high school students held a vigil outside of the Yonkers Planned Parenthood. They sang, chanted, prayed, engaged pedestrians in pro-life conversations and passed out a lot of pro-life material (12 weeks baby models, precious feet, pamphlets, bookmarks, etc). The energy was incredible. A young couple walked by and the students gave them the pro-life material. The young woman was pregnant and when her boyfriend saw the material he could not believe his eyes and was amazed. At that point his girlfriend reminded him, with a "I told you I was right in not getting an abortion" atttitude, how he had previously been pressuring her to get an abortion before coming to accept her decision to give birth to the baby.I brought to the attention of these high school kids what they had just accomplished through God's grace: 1. their activity today reaffirmed the pro-life decision of that mother and 2. brought light to the mind of that father and a possible conversion of heart so that he now fully accepts his child.
So proud of those young people!!!!!
Posted by: Tony | June 06, 2010 at 12:04 AM
It is the young people who will end the legal slaughtering of innocent babies in the womb.
Thank you for your wonderful witness and TONY!
Posted by: Eileen Peterson | June 09, 2010 at 01:38 AM