Throughout his life, Father Daniel Egan, S.A. fought for the lives and dignity of men and women suffering from and in recovery from addictions. He helped society understand addiction as an illness, not a crime. John D. Harris wrote a book entitled, "The Junkie Priest" about his street ministry to addicts and his pioneering work in the field through his work in ministry, outreach, rehabilitation and education. Active until his death, Father Egan's final ministry was to AIDS/HIV patients at Highbridge-Woodycrest Center in the Bronx.
February 10th marks the tenth anniversary of the death of Father Daniel Egan,S.A. at the age of 83. March 4-5-6 is the Dan Egan Retreat Weekend at Graymoor, a retreat named in is honor, similar to the Matt Talbot Retreats. This is a fitting time and Graymoor will remember him at their regular Sunday Mass at 11 a.m., Pilgrim Hall. An exhibit in his honor will take place after Mass in the 3rd Floor Seminar Room.