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January 29, 2010


Theresa Bonopartis

The truth is, I believe they have an agenda...they are trying to, as they say, "remove the stigma" of abortion, but it will not work. It is not natural to kill your own child. In addition how do you reconcile the conflict her neutrality presents? You cannot.
She says when people come to us we instill guilt..the truth is, people feel guilt and so they come to us.

I could go on and on and on but the bottom line is they keep women in denial so that they do not have to face what they have done. The other truth is that we need to pray for her. Lets be honest here PP is not going to support or fund anyone who is "neutral". Look at how they are all freaking out over the Super Bowl Ad.

Lastly, I suggest people visit their publication "Our truths" if there are any other questions about them. It speaks volumes.
Any doubt that they are not "neutral" would be erased after skimming through this..the last one is a "humor" issue!

Personally I would love to sit down with her knowing we both suffered the same loss.

Thanks for going!

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