We have extensive pictures from the day before the commencement. Hit the extension below to see the rest of the pictures. We hope to be able to post video of the protest and arrests for "trespassing" on Sunday, the day of the commencement in a couple of days.
Here are some signs and postings on the window of the "alternate commencement" storefront office.
For the rest of the story, go here -
Here are two of Joan Andrews Bell's daughters, Mary Louise and Philomena
Fr. Norman Weslin
Norma McCorvey (Roe in Roe vs . Wade and now prolife - and she never had an abortion), Fr. Weslin, Joan Andrews Bell, at the main gate of Notre Dame
Randall Terry
the arrest of the extremely dangerous mother of seven, Joan Andrews Bell
More arrests
Fr. Weslin, carried off
a surprise visit by the Pope?
Alan Keyes
Joan Bell's daughters Philomena and Mary Louise
One of Joan's sons, Emiliano, with Brigid Faranda
former Long Island college professor, John Dunkle
What more is there to say?
there was a time i would have been proud to send my sons there.
Posted by: thea mcginnis | May 22, 2009 at 04:50 PM
Notre Dame has gone against its' Catholic roots and should not have Our Lady's name any longer. To honor President Obama as they did was an injustice against everything a Catholic University should stand for.
Posted by: Judith Anastasio | June 10, 2009 at 02:28 PM