This is from Theresa Bonopartis, director of Lumina, post abortion services, and a co-director of the Hudson Valley Coalition for Life. Her posting is short, and we suggest you hit the link to read it in it's entirety.
Lumina - a ray of light after abortion
This day is like no other in the history of our country... I believe the very soul of our country is at stake.
I truly do understand people fearful because of the economy. I can also respect the historic value of having our first black president and the emotions that can run with that. It would be wonderful to break through the barriers, IF the man were one of morals and values. Early on in the election process before I knew much about him, I wanted to like Obama, but as I looked up his record and words, in spite of his cool and cunning appearance, the truth hit me in the face, and I knew there was no way he would get my vote.I also fear him as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. He is someone who did nothing to support the troops until his campaign, and in fact, even voted against protections for the troops in harms way. I know, I have a son who served in Iraq.
But no matter how many issues present themselves, nothing can be more central to our country, its prosperity and well being than the issue of life.