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August 26, 2008


jenny muto

many thanks for a great response. in addition i hope the cardinal makes another statement re-iterating the tenents of the church re: catholics and especially catholic politicians who support abortion. jenny and george muto

Teresa McAllister

Thank you your eminence, Edward Cardinal Egan for speaking out. I'm going to send this to my e-mail list.

joellyn soler

Thank you Cardinal Egan for your articulate and accurate response.
These ignorant so-called Catholics need to be reminded where to find the facts of the Catholic faith.
Also the nine Supreme Court judges need to read the Catechism of the Catholic Church as well, since they have no clue about when life begins, maybe a book on anatomy 101 or fetology would be in order.
It's about time these so-called intelligent persons are challenged. We cannot assume they know what they are talking about as they continue to spread blatant errors.

mary Jo Maher

thank you Cardinal Egan for speaking our belief that life begins at concption. All life is precious and must be protected. I am proud of the churches teachings on this matter. I dont want any misunderstanding about it. Mrs. Mary Jo Maher

Catherine M Walsh

Thank you, Cardinal Egan. for saying what many of us wish we could say to our fellow citizens and elected officials but we are ignored. Your speaking out gives much credence to the Pro- Life message rather than it being just a difference of opinion.


Hi, you have a nice site. Really good job! Respect :)

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