Great piece. Glad to see Good Counsel Homes founder Chris Bell featured in the first paragraph.
Depending on your browser, you may have to click on the link four or five times before the article opens; but it will eventually. The entire article is more then twice as long as the excerpt.
After you read the whole article, consider sending a letter to the editor - perhaps pick one aspect to comment on ... You can be sure the Journal has already received comments from the pro-aborts!
The email address for letters to the editor is: [email protected]. To send a letter by regular mail, the address is: The Editor, 200 Liberty St., NY, NY 10281
AND why not either post the letter you have sent to the WSJ as a comment on this post, or copy us with an email?
The NAACP and Black Abortions Main Street -
At the Good Counsel shelters for homeless pregnant women in New York, yesterday was business as usual: pregnant moms getting ready to deliver, other mothers feeding their children, still others going off to school or training for new jobs.
There is a striking fact about these women: most are African-American. "These moms are attracted to Good Counsel because they know they will be in an environment where their baby is considered as beautiful and as worthy of life as any other," says Executive Director Chris Bell.
Yesterday was not business as usual at the 99th annual conference for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. For one thing, the first African-American to head the presidential ticket of a major party was on hand. Yet there was another interesting appearance that went mostly unmentioned. This was a protest by African-American pro-lifers – many NAACP members – who can't understand why America's most venerated civil rights organization turns a blind eye to what they say is the abortion industry's practice of targeting poor minority neighborhoods.
These folks include the Rev. Clenard Childress, a New Jersey pastor who runs a Web site called – the same language the Rev. Jesse Jackson used before he threw in his lot with the Democratic Party. These folks include Day Gardner of the National Black Pro-Life Union, and Levon Yuille of the National Black Pro-Life Caucus. And these folks include Dr. Alveda King, a niece of the Rev. Martin Luther King who says she knows what abortion does to a woman – because she had two of them before her change of heart.
"I remember when I was pregnant and considering a third abortion," she says. "I went to Daddy King [her grandfather and Martin Luther King's father]. He told me, 'that's a baby, not a blob of tissue.' Unfortunately, 14 million African-Americans are not here today because of legalized abortion. It's as if a plague swept through America's cities and towns and took one of every four of us."
I was hoping Fox news would have interviewed Rev.Alveda King and Rev.Clenard Childress but I saw none.Fair and Balanced would have meant doing exactly that. For the sake of the black people, their future generation, and the future of our Judeo-Christian Civilization I pray that these pastors receive the publicity their require to instruct people of the U.S.about the barbaric acts that result in the American Holocaust of tens of millions of tiny pre-born persons and the self-mutilation of their mothers
Posted by: regina riely | July 17, 2008 at 08:31 PM