The late term abortion specialist from Wichita, Kansas. He was invited to speak at the NEA (National Education Association!!!) convention at a forum sponsored by the so-called "Feminist Majority Foundation.
This video was produced by Students for Life of America (SFLA) who attended the talk and then interivewed Tiller. There are some images in the video, but it is not gruesome. What's gruesome are Tiller's comments in the interview.
For more info, hit this link -
Abortionist Tiller Admits to Performing Abortions the Day Before Delivery
The only way to deal with this depth of evil and darkness is to shine the light of truth upon it! Thank you, brave students for life and those who do this website so that you and I and everyone can know why we must pray that no more babies die, especially at the hands of Dr. Tiller, and no more women and men cry. May God has mercy on us.
Posted by: Eileen Peterson | March 25, 2008 at 10:41 PM
Having worked with a few of Tillers patients, there is nothing here that surprises me...what is truly scary is that he continues to get away with what he is doing...
Please keep his "patients" in your prayers as they work through their grief, anger and the evil that has touched their lives
Posted by: Theresa | March 26, 2008 at 10:18 AM