This is from the latest issue of STOPP (Stop Planned Parenthood)
Newspapers reported on June 6 that 15-year-old Danielle Cramer, who had been missing for nearly a year, was found hidden underneath a stairwell in the West Hartford, Connecticut home of 41-year-old man. Shortly after she was found, it was disclosed in a court document that "she recently had an abortion at Planned Parenthood in West Hartford,” but would not disclose the father’s identity. However, she did also note to detectives that homeowner’s longtime girlfriend “would be really mad if she found out.”
While no formal charges of sexual assault have been filed, these comments seem to imply the possibility that the 15-year-old runaway was the victim of statutory rape – or worse. “Abortion paperwork” was listed among the property seized in the investigation of this case.
Sadly, this case, in which Planned Parenthood appears to have neglected its legal obligation to report suspected rape, is nothing new for Planned Parenthood of Connecticut. In fact, this is the second incident in the short span of two months. A Planned Parenthood clinic in Norwich also apparently neglected to report the suspected rape of a 14-year-old girl who was impregnated three times by a 22-year-old man over the course of six months.
Planned Parenthood is an organization that continues to promote abortion at all costs, even when it permits sexual predators to get away with rape. Last year Planned Parenthood reported receiving over $305 million in taxpayer funding nationwide, $4.5 million of that was given to PP in Connecticut alone.
We must expose Planned Parenthood for the evil that it does. To find out more about how Planned Parenthood continues to protect rapists and child molesters, visit It is also time to tell our government officials in no uncertain terms that Planned Parenthood is not an organization that deserves a single penny of our money. Please visit and add your name to the petition.