Christianity Today has a very thoughtful editorial today on strategy and tactics to limit and stop abortion. While we print an excerpt below, we strongly recommend you hit the link and read the entire editorial. You don't need to agree with the opinion, but it presents the logic of the incremental approach in the political arena.
Abortion Overreach | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction
...legislators who advocated a total ban must understand that neither the public nor the Supreme Court appears ready to dump Roe yet. In this battle for hearts and minds, the case of South Dakota should warn pro-life leaders nationwide that pushing for too much, too soon is a political death wish. We all want to see Roe overturned. But an incremental strategy gives us the best way to get there while discouraging abortions right now. Wednesday's Supreme Court ruling confirms the prudence and promise of this tactic.It's time to back off this all-or-nothing strategy. Effective service for God's kingdom matches zeal with wisdom.
The Partial Birth Abortion Ban is “feel good” legislation for the pro-life movement. The ban does nothing for the babies slatedfor abortion. The abortionist is still permitted to do this procedure if he first kills the baby in the womb. The Supreme Court decision is bad law on bad law; there is no right way to kill a baby. What should be at issue is the humanity of the pre-born, not what is the most humane way of killing him.
Posted by: Joe | April 19, 2007 at 12:26 PM
There is certainly no right way to kill a baby. But in the political arena, you have to take what you can get. This legislation is valuable if for no other reason then it educates people.
Why do you think the pro-abortion people are so hysterical about this decision? Because it's the reverse of the "slippery slope."
Tom Faranda
Posted by: tom faranda | April 20, 2007 at 07:04 PM