This is from the Irish right to life group, Family and Life. While we can't vote in this referendum, we can all pray!
Portuguese Abortion Referendum: Support Rally to Keep Restrictions
Next Sunday, February 11, the people of Portugal will decide whether or not to introduce abortion on demand into their country’s abortion law. The referendum is part of the ruling Socialist Party’s promised agenda to make abortion freely available. The referendum question reads: "Do you agree that abortions, carried out in the first 10 weeks of pregnancy, with the woman's consent, in a legal medical establishment, should no longer be illegal?" This would allow abortion on demand during the first 10 weeks of pregnancy in place of the relatively strict law at present. As Irish pro-lifers know only too well, voter apathy is the main danger in any referendum. Encouraged by some bishops and priests, various pro-life groups are working hard, not merely to defeat the referendum, but to muster a clear majority of No votes that will tell the government that the Portuguese people reject abortion as bad for women and children. Last week the patriarch of Lisbon Patriarch, Cardinal Jose da Cruz Policarpo, called abortion "an attack on civilisation." Another, the bishop of Guarda, called abortion an "abominable crime”. Lay groups and some individual bishops and priests have not hesitated to use their authority to encourage a "No" vote. Readers of “LifeZine” can take action during this week by praying to Our Lady of Fatima to save Portugal from this abominable evil. Pray that voters will do their duty and vote No.