Friend Terri Engel writes, asking for prayers. The HVCL supports Recovery Sunday each year in New York because of the pain, suffering and social problems alcohol and other drug addictions cause. It is a critical "dignity of life" issue.
According to Terri, "The National Catholic Conference on Alcoholism and other Drug Disorders (NCCA) will be submitting a proposal at the U.S. Bishops Conference in Baltimore next week, November13-16, to ask that Recovery Sunday be a National Prayer day in all dioceses on the second Sunday every September." Here is an intention to say and share with others via email this coming week:
"For the United States Bishops who meet this week that they will be inspired by the Holy Spirit to see all the pain and devastation to inviduals and families incurred by the illness of addiction and approve the proposal to designate RECOVERY SUNDAY as an annual day of prayer in every diocese and archdiocese across the country."
In 1999 Recovery Sunday was inaugurated in the Archdiocese of New York by His Eminence John Cardinal O'Connor working with the late Rev. Daniel Egan, S.A., "the Junkie Priest". Their words:
"There is no other illness that clogs our courts, fills our prisons, devastates families and pains the Mystical Body of Christ, like addiction."
Please pray with us this week. Thank you, and thank you Terri for all your dedicated efforts on behalf of Recovery Sunday.