Emily Byers, a student at Louisiana State University, has a phenomenal article in the University newspaper.
Print it, read it, and pass it around - especially to high school and college students. The excerpt below doesn't do justice to this well constructed and written essay. And it's only a couple of pages long.
Daily Reveille - PPFA hiding from ideas of its roots
This assertion originated in Sanger's writing, but a shocking distinction must be made between her claim and PPFA's: Sanger's hope that contraception could end abortion was futile but sincere; conversely, Planned Parenthood is simply paying lip service to contraception advocates made uncomfortable by the moral questions abortion raises.
Sanger called abortion a "humiliating," "repulsive" and "painful" ordeal in her book, "Woman and the New Race." She acknowledged that it is unmistakably the "killing of babies in the womb."
PPFA says nothing negative about abortion. To counter persistent allegations that abortion harms women, it repeatedly calls abortion a "very safe" practice, even arguing that "abortion after the first trimester is as safe as or safer than carrying a pregnancy to term."
Pregnancy and childbirth are risky but natural processes. Under normal circumstances, a woman's body is well equipped to recover from any stress or strain triggered by pregnancy or childbirth. Abortion is a risky and unnatural procedure. Its safety can never be guaranteed, no matter what PPFA's spin doctors might say.
PPFA's misinformation and consistent opposition to laws mandating precautionary measures such as the twenty-four-hour waiting period or parental consent for minors having abortions dispel any remaining doubt about its absolute approval of abortion.